
2021, Feb 15    

My name is Kim and I am a Game Developer.

I’m not sure what to write here but I bet this Portfolio/Blog will figure itself out eventually. I’ll start with introductions. Like you are probably aware at this point, my name is Kim and I’m a game developer (student at the time of writing). I’ve been a programmer, game designer, and ocassionally sound designer in multiple smaller game projects. If you’re interested in knowing more about my involvement I’ll be adding posts breaking down each project. Until then they are playable at my ITCH.IO.

For the main part of my game development career I’ve been using C# in Unity. I’ve dabbled in Unreal and thought about Godot, but I’m satisfied with my engine of choice for now. I have a background in web development (fullstack) and at this point use it mostly for my own websites. My dream job right now is as a programmer at a game studio. I’ve learned a lot as a game development student and feel ready to put my knowledge in C#/Unity/Game Design to use.

Along with my studies I’m also working on a super secret indie project. I can’t tell you much yet apart from “procedural generation”. Stay tuned.

I hope you read something interesting on this Portfolio/Blog and any questions or business inquiries are much appreciated and directed to my EMAIL